My Body’s Acting Weird

Gosh I love today! Just enough breeze to keep it cool and so many sights and sounds in the back yard.  Lying in the grass is so soft and tickles my fairly round belly.  Yes, like Mom I could stand to slim down some. Dad worked all summer putting out those speckled things all over the grass and I overheard him say they make the grass grow, which is a wonder itself. We have a tractor that spits out water and moves all over the yard getting the places where the speckles flew wet. Dad runs the tiny tractor every evening. The other day I heard him say “the grass looks great now”! All I know is to my pack it’s nice and thick with lots of smells.

For the past month it’s been very hard to have the energy to run around for any length of time. I’ve been weak and can’t stop panting. Usually I pant like all dogs to cool off. Some days I can’t lie down at all and have to sit straight up panting fast. I stay really close to Mom and Dad. I know they’re worried so I try to act like I’m okay. Whenever she talks to me I give her my best smile.  She’s a RN, a nurse that takes care of humans but i can tell she’s learning dog doctor stuff when she reads articles about it to Dad. So far I’ve been to 3 dog doctors. They aren’t sure what’s wrong and neither am I. I still have my joy because I’m with my people and my brothers and sisters!


Sniff and Find Your JOY!

It’s one of those days in the Mid South that causes ambivalence in people. They can’t tell if they should enjoy the  cooler weather and rain or pine for the loss of the hot temps and dust. It’s raining just enough to make the decision about umbrella use a mind boggling question. I’m lucky I have an amazing two layer rain coat. So, I can find joy in the rain. I can ALWAYS find joy…

Oh yeah, I should explain here that I’m a Canis Lupus Familiaris a.k.a. the loving “family dog”. There is a constellation in the southern hemisphere close to Orion, containing Sirius, the brightest star in the sky! It’s also called: The Great Dog! Now there’s a source of joy.

My name is Layla Grace, a female black Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd mix. (At least that’s what is on my folder at the doctor) My birthday is March 23rd 2008, yes… I’m easing up on nine years old. My mom calls me sweet girl and La La. The only time she uses my full name is… You guessed it, when I’m not listening or doing what she’s asked. My dad’s name is Brett. He’s solid as a rock but has a heart that is as large as an open field and gentle as a soft newborn puppy. I love him very much he is my number two human. He is JOY.

I am a big believer that God gives us dogs just one assigned job for our time on earth. We are supposed to find our human and love them with all our heart forever. That sounds pretty easy and it was for me. Some dogs wait their whole life and some sadly never find their human, but I knew mine the first time she held me! Sheri…Sheri ….I thought that name might be something I could learn to say one day but I know her as Mom. All dogs know when they get to heaven we’ll be granted our eternal wish..A Voice. Sheri is my number one person. SHE IS JOY.

I can always find joy! Please look for JOY in your life. I see a golden flutter like sparkles before my eyes when joy comes by and I trot to follow and sniff, look  and taste it. Joy surrounds me at different times every day there is abounding joy to be found. I wish humans could see the golden flutters so they wouldn’t miss it as it flows by. 

Mom says it’s time to eat and hey, I’m a Lab so that’s my BEST joy of the day!
